Satisfactory Academic Progress

保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP)是确定学生是否有资格继续获得经济援助的许多联邦规定的标准之一. 进度是通过速度(获得的学分与尝试学时的关系)来衡量的。, 定性(GPA)标准和最长时间框架(允许完成学术课程的时间). 学生还必须证明在规定的时间内完成学位课程的进展.

未能保持令人满意的学业进步将导致失去经济援助资格,包括联邦, 状态, institutional and certified private loans. 在学年结束时,每年都会对进度进行审查.


本科生必须修满总学分的67%, including transfer credits.

0.67 ×尝试学时=本科生必须获得的最低学时.

示例1: Student attempts 63 hours and earned 48 hours
0.67 x 63 = 42.2或43小时
This student HAS met SAP standards for 速度.

示例2: Student attempts 118 hours and earned 78 hours
0.67 x 118 = 79.06或80小时
This student HAS NOT met SAP standards for 速度.

研究生必须修满总学分的80%, including transfer credit hours.

0.80 ×尝试学时=研究生必须获得的最低学时.

例子: Student attempts 20 hours and earns 19 hours
0.80 x 20 hours = 16 hours
This student HAS met SAP standards for 速度.

Student attempts 26 credits for the academic year, earned 15; student would not be meeting satisfactory academic progress at the time of sap review. Total credits needed would be 17.42 or 18 credits earned.

Student attempts 30 credits for the academic year, 获得了24, 在sap审查结束时,学生将达到速度标准,取得令人满意的学术进步. Number of minimum credits needed would be 21 credits.

Cumulative Credits Attempted:

Cumulative Credits Completed:

比例: 0.00%

# of Courses needed (3 credits each):

Semester credits needed:



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 2.0



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 3.0


任何学生不得超过其教育计划公布长度的150%. 学生将收到通知,并需要在接近150%时申请经济援助. 学生必须在规定的时间内完成学位. 这个标准将取决于学生的入学状况和学位. 最靠谱的网赌软件要求在125%的学时申请. When a student exceeds 125%, 他们将被要求在下一个学期提交上诉,以确定他们是否将继续获得经济援助.


本科生必须修满总学分的67%, including transfer credits.

0.67 ×尝试学时=本科生必须获得的最低学时.

示例1: Student attempts 63 hours and earned 48 hours
0.67 x 63 = 42.2或43小时
This student HAS met SAP standards for 速度.

示例2: Student attempts 118 hours and earned 78 hours
0.67 x 118 = 79.06或80小时
This student HAS NOT met SAP standards for 速度.

研究生必须修满总学分的80%, including transfer credit hours.

0.80 ×尝试学时=研究生必须获得的最低学时.

例子: Student attempts 20 hours and earns 19 hours
0.80 x 20 hours = 16 hours
This student HAS met SAP standards for 速度.

Student attempts 26 credits for the academic year, earned 15; student would not be meeting satisfactory academic progress at the time of sap review. Total credits needed would be 17.42 or 18 credits earned.

Student attempts 30 credits for the academic year, 获得了24, 在sap审查结束时,学生将达到速度标准,取得令人满意的学术进步. Number of minimum credits needed would be 21 credits.

Cumulative Credits Attempted:

Cumulative Credits Completed:

比例: 0.00%

# of Courses needed (3 credits each):

Semester credits needed:



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 2.0



小时尝试 最低绩点
1+ 3.0


任何学生不得超过其教育计划公布长度的150%. 学生将收到通知,并需要在接近150%时申请经济援助. 学生必须在规定的时间内完成学位. 这个标准将取决于学生的入学状况和学位. 最靠谱的网赌软件要求在125%的学时申请. When a student exceeds 125%, 他们将被要求在下一个学期提交上诉,以确定他们是否将继续获得经济援助.

学生资助办公室将在每学年结束时对学业进展情况进行审查. 未达到SAP标准的电子邮件通知将发送到学生的ODU电子邮件帐户.

请注意,前几年没有获得经济援助的学生, 但首次申请资助的学生,亦须保持良好的学业进度. 无论学生在一个学期内是否有资格获得经济援助,学生入学的所有学期都会对学业进展进行审查. If students exceed the maximum time, they are not meeting satisfactory academic progress, 因此, all aid will be suspended.

经济援助暂停并不妨碍你在最靠谱的网赌软件继续学习. 它确实禁止你获得经济援助,直到你再次达到令人满意的学业进步标准.

学业成绩不达标的学生将被暂停助学金. You have the option to appeal this suspension. 上诉必须基于严重影响学习成绩的重大减轻情节. 上诉决定将通过电子邮件发送到学生的ODU电子邮件帐户. *Note: Please make sure your email account is activated.

For students who are successful in their appeal, 援助将在一个付款期/期限的试用基础上恢复. 电子邮件将发送给获得经济援助的学生,告知他们所需的条件. 财政援助办公室将在学期结束时审查学生的记录,以确定他/她在未来学期的成绩. At the conclusion of the probation term, 学生必须达到学校的SAP标准,才有资格获得进一步的第四章资助. 如果确定学生需要一个以上的试用期, the student must be placed on an academic plan.


学术计划将由学生和他们的学术顾问制定. All academic plans will be monitored each term. 如果学生没有达到计划中设定的标准, 学生将不再有资格获得经济援助,直到学生重新建立自己的资格. 在试用学期中未能满足其学术计划中概述的条件的学生将没有资格提交后续上诉. 学术顾问将负责监督学术计划.

上诉必须在上诉通知后10天或在上诉表格上的截止日期之前提交. These dates vary from year to year; 然而, the deadline will be the Friday before classes begin.

The deadlines are listed on the SAP appeal form.
  • Fall term - August 25, 2022
  • Spring term - January 5, 2023
  • Summer term - June 30, 2023
Deadline for appeal submission for 2023-24 academic year:
  • Fall term - August 25, 2023
  • Spring term - January 5, 2024
  • Summer term - June 30, 2024


大学将考虑对无法控制事件的申诉, students having trouble adjusting to college, 发生在学生生活中的特殊情况,如家庭成员的死亡, 学生生病, transition to college issues, being called to the military, 等. 学生必须描述这种情况对学业产生了什么影响, 学生做了什么来应对影响,学生计划如何成功. 如果学生还没有准备好大力关注学术,必要时可以提供帮助, the student should not submit an appeal.

Some examples include but are not limited to:

  • Death in the family. State how this person was related to you (i.e. parent, spouse, sibling, 等.). 您必须提供死亡证明或相关文件的副本.
  • Disabling illness or injury to the student. 请提供您的医疗服务提供者提供的证明文件.
  • 患病致残或直系亲属受伤需要你照顾. 请提供您的医疗服务提供者提供的证明文件.
  • 情感或心理健康问题(学生),需要专业护理. 请提供您的医疗服务提供者提供的证明文件, social worker or other professional.
  • 其他你无法控制的特殊情况(可能导致抑郁的转变), 焦虑, and other problems that can be documented, 离婚/分居, 自然灾害, extreme change in financial or legal circumstances, 等.)

您的上诉必须包含支持原因的文件或证据. This might include a letter from a doctor, 法庭文件, death certificates or copies of University documents, 裁员通知, foreclosure notices, 等. Upload supporting documentation.

  1. 使用令人满意的学业进步申诉表格提交申诉.

    • 清楚地说明为什么你没有满足所引用的条件. Upload documentation if necessary.
    • 说明发生了哪些变化,这将允许您在下一个评估期结束时展示SAP的进展.
    • To confirm your extenuating circumstance(s), 您必须从客观的第三方上传文档(例如.g. 医生、咨询师、律师、社会工作者、教师、宗教领袖、学术顾问).

    我们意识到分享个人信息是很困难的. Be assured that your 状态ment will remain confidential. Only financial aid personnel will review your appeal.

  2. 与您的学术顾问或系主任会面,填写学业成绩书面评估申请表.

    注意:如果你在没有导师或系主任评估的情况下提交上诉, your appeal will not be considered.

  3. 在截止日期前提交完整的申诉并上传所有证明文件. 未能提交完整的申诉将导致取消援助.

    留出两周时间 对上诉进行审查并收到决定通知. If your appeal is approved, 决定通知将概述你恢复援助资格的合同条件. 合同是有约束力的,你的学业进展将在指定的注册期结束时进行审查. If your appeal is denied, 决定通知将详细说明将来考虑经济援助资格的条件.



If the appeal is unsuccessful, 将发送电子邮件通知您的决定,以及如何重新建立资格的信息(如果适用).

学生如达到令人满意的进度标准,便可重新获得资助资格. Keep in mind this will be 学生自费,因为他们没有资格获得资助. 在最靠谱的网赌软件(Old Dominion University)休学一学期将无助于重新获得资格. 一旦学生达到要求的平均成绩或修满要求的学分, 他们必须联系财政援助,要求恢复他们的财政援助资格.

Students not making SAP at the end of the second year, but at the end of the subsequent grading period come into compliance with the school's graduation requirements; will be considered making SAP beginning with the next grading period.

退课可能会影响你的助学金. Before withdrawing from class, you should contact the 金融援助 Office to determine the consequences.

完全退出并接受资助的学生可能欠大学钱. 在退学之前,你应该联系学校 金融援助 Office 连续两个学期退出所有课程可能导致失去经济援助资格.




Student enrolls in 4 fall courses - pass 3 and fails 1
School required student to retake all 4 courses
May not count the passed courses
Remedial courses may be included, 然而, 不考虑强化课程和ESL课程